a Barachois Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador List of Condos for Sale
Barachois Brook

Barachois Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador properties for Sale
Real Estate Property Reviews

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Barachois Brook
Detached-Bungalow, House
Approximate price in April 2019:
...om bungalow with full unfinished basement is located on a large lot with 2 garages...one measuring 20 x 28 wired and heated with a 12 hr burner, the other measuring 24 x 35 not wired. A total of 1500 sq ft on the main floor which consist of kitchen, dining... click for more info
 3000 sqft
Barachois Brook
Detached-Bungalow, House
Approximate price in April 2019:
...droom, two bathroom bungalow is located in a low traffic area in barachois brook overlooking the mouth of barachois river.....Salmon Fish right in your backyard! Main floor features beautiful open concept kitchen with a walk in pantry, living room and... click for more info
 1404 sqft
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